
I am Kelly Arnold. I have a BA advertising degree and a desire for anything that is creative. I enjoy all aspects of clothing, accessories, jewellery, and photography; I love everything quirky!

Since I was young, I have suffered from the condition Alopecia. The loss of my hair is something that changed my perspective on life and now which I feel I can share with others. I have blossomed into the person I am today; taking each day at a time sharing my experiences, values, and outlook along the way.

The Hummingbird central in my logo is a symbol of strength and determination to get through my Alopecia and all the challenges I have faced – to never stop striving for something and to believe in myself – So you may have figured by now my name and logo represent me! All individual pieces of Jewellery are made from different objects and materials, precious, some rare and some recycled. So each one is completely bespoke: just like every person, material, animal and insect, in our beautiful world.

My inspiration comes from being outdoors: the sea, rural escapes, urban areas, local lakes- the world fascinates me! We all take our world for granted, and the places we visit and live too because we’re all busy in a hurry to think or look at what surrounds us. I incorporate at least one thing that represents nature in all my work.

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Please take some time to look at my work! You can also order yourself something, find a gift for a friend, or give me a message about a bespoke piece of jewellery.

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